
All in a Row

PROBLEM:   Many quilt blocks or patterns require you to keep your pieces and rows in order.

There are tons of ways to to mark your pieces and rows;  marked zip lock bags, sticky notes, pins etc..   At a retreat years ago, a fellow quilter gifted me with a set of custom row markers.  They have been a dream!   My mom has also found that if you have pins with large heads, you can even write letters or number on them.

The row markers shown here were fun to make and placing them in a little wallet helps keep them separate and readily available when needed.  Hint:  These beads are glued to the pinhead.   When letting them dry,  pin them hanging upside down to your ironing board or other soft surface.  This will ensure the beads do not shift during the process.  

“Mischief Managed”
I hope you enjoy this trick! I should be able to pull more tricks from my hat between now and November 3rd.
Be sure to comment on my blog about which ones you like best and share some of your own quilting and sewing magic tricks.  I will draw one name from the comments randomly November 9, 2019 and follow-up with the lucky winner to send one of these special tricks!
Please, share with your friends.



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